Axel Goblet


This website is open source
5 Jan 2022

This website is open source

I open sourced the code of this website. It is built with React and deployed on Github Pages. It might be a bit overengineered for a simple website without a backend, but it was a nice opportunity to get to know the Material UI package. Github Pages is free for open source projects. Feel free to fork the project and adapt it for your own purposes.

The Advance Analytics Platform of the Dutch Police
12 Dec 2021

The Advance Analytics Platform of the Dutch Police

We built an advanced analytics platform helping hundreds of data professionals at the Dutch Police work secure and efficiently. The platform is based on Kubeflow, and integrated with all important police systems. My former colleague Steven Reitsma published an interesting (Dutch) blog about it. He also published a related article on one of our Istio use cases.

Next-level ML with Model Serving Platforms
30 Nov 2021

Next-level ML with Model Serving Platforms

I wrote a whitepaper on machine learning model serving. It explains how model serving platforms can help organizations scale their machine learning capabilities efficiently. The whitepaper contains a conceptual description of what I think a model serving platform should look like. I deliberately kept out implementation details. These differ from company to company. Therefore, they are not useful to all readers. You can download the whitepaper for free from BigData Republic's website.

Scaling machine learning capabilities in large organizations
Aug 10 2020

Scaling machine learning capabilities in large organizations

My colleague Bertjan Broeksema and I were invited to Demetrios Brinkmann's MLOps Community Podcast. We talked about the hurdles large organizations face when scaling their machine learning capabilities. We also discussed how these hurdles can be tackled. We had a great time. Not only could we share our vision on the topic with the MLOps community, but also the questions from the community helped us polish this vision. The podcast recording is available on various platforms.

A Review of Netflix's Metaflow
20 Dec 2019

A Review of Netflix's Metaflow

Netflix open sourced their internal machine learning platform Metaflow. Due to my interest in MLOps, I wanted to dive into the tool right away. Thus, I wrote a review on it. Check it out on Medium.

Scheduling machine learning pipelines using Apache Airflow
20 nov 2019

Scheduling machine learning pipelines using Apache Airflow

At PyData Eindhoven 2019 I gave a workshop on scheduling machine learning pipelines using Apache Airflow. In the first plenary part of the workshop I explained what Airflow is and why I love the tool. In the second part, attendees worked on some exercises in their own Airflow cluster, which we deployed for them on AWS. My colleague Dick Abma also wrote a blog on this setup. The plenary session recording is available on Youtube.

On a Fixed Haplotype Variant of the Minimum Error Correction Problem
29 Jun 2018

On a Fixed Haplotype Variant of the Minimum Error Correction Problem

During my research internship, we studied the Minimum Error Correction problem. This problem has been intensively studied in the computational biology literature and is also known in the clustering literature: essentially we are required to find two cluster centres such that the sum of distances to the nearest centre, is minimized. The paper contains proofs about the computational complexity of a variant of the Minimum Error Correction problem. It was published in COCOON, the journal of computing and combinatorics.

Order today, receive tomorrow
13 May 2018

Order today, receive tomorrow

We built an order forecasting system for logistics service provider CB. We built a machine learning system that answered the question: "To what customers are we expected to deliver tomorrow and what quantity?" The system was developed on Microsoft Azure and yielded a 10% reduction in shipping costs.

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