Axel Goblet


My name is Axel Goblet. I am a senior MLOps engineer at Transactie Monitoring Nederland (TMNL). My passion for machine learning engineering was born at Mediaan. I did an extensive internship there during my Bachelor's. While working on software engineering and data science projects for customers, I discovered that a machine learning model alone provides no value. A model only comes to life once it is integrated with client systems that use it. I loved end-to-end machine learning projects, where I develop a model and then integrate it with the customer's cloud services. After my internship, I continued working at Mediaan to gain more industry experience while doing my Master's.

After graduating from Maastricht University in 2018, I joined BigData Republic. As a consultant machine learning engineer, I did projects for various customers in a range of business/technical contexts. It taught me a lot about my craft and helped me generalize. At BigData Republic, I also started coaching colleagues and writing content. Check out my content page if you are interested in my work.

After some years of consulting work, I was looking for an employer where I could iterate over a product for a longer period of time. I found this at TMNL. Here, I build user-friendly, performant and secure machine learning infrastructure. TMNL uses machine learning to combat financial crime. It feels very good to be able to use my expertise to make the Netherlands a safer place.

I spend much of my free time outside enjoying nature together with my partner and dog. I love hiking through the beautiful area around my hometown Valkenburg. When the weather allows it, you can find me on the water windsurfing. I also love meeting up with friends for board games. My favourite game? Probably Terra Mystica.

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